We all think about it, we all wish for it, but few of us ever allow ourselves the freedom to travel the world. Whether it’s financial burdens, career doubts, or simply fear of the unknown, we always find excuses to suppress our dreams of long-term travel. In effort to combat uncertainty, we’ve created this quick list of reasons why you should absolutely drop everything and travel the world if it’s something you’ve always wanted to do. Let’s dive in!
1. Because You Want To
The end-all be-all reason for a global trek. A trip around the world can be about many things, but it should always start with a simple desire to see and experience the unknown – to feed our curiosity and fulfill our inner-most ambitions of adventure and exploration. Sure, this may seem a bit selfish… a bit self-centered… but you know what? That’s OK. It’s OK to be a bit selfish at times, especially when your selfishness could lead to self fulfillment and the inspiration of others. We all “pursue” happiness, we all “chase” our dreams, so why not stop the endless pursuit and accept the things that we know will make us happy? This entire list could stop right here, but for the sake of relieving chronic symptoms of self doubt, we’ll carry on with 14 more reasons.
2. Your Career Isn’t On Hold… It’s In Development
Why does leaving a job have to mean leaving a career? If you have a career in something you love, then you shouldn’t have a hard time incorporating that career into your trip. Think about the skills required to advance in your career and find a way to develop those skills while you’re away.
3. You’ll Gain Support From Those Who Matter
Maybe not entirely true, as all our family members thought we were crazy for wanting to cycle around the world, but let’s put this into perspective. Despite thinking you’re a little looney, the people who truly matter in your life will be there to support your decision- whether emotionally, spiritually, or even financially. Your real friends and family won’t mind brainstorming with you or listening to your route plans… they won’t scold you for “throwing away your career” or “being irresponsible” – they’ll support and trust your decision to follow your dreams. Like a wise man once said, “Show your true colors, those who love you will see a painting.”
4. Tomorrow Never Dies, But Today Does Daily
The indescribable epidemic that plagues all of humanity, our eternal desire for a better tomorrow and lack of attention for the best today. It’s cliche to say that tomorrow never comes, but it’s true. Stop pushing your dreams and desires off till the next day, be present and take advantage of today. Make your plan, save some money, and get out the door.
5. You Become More Accepting Of The World
The reason we are all so accepting of our friends is because we’ve taken the time to get to know them. A trip around the world will provide you the opportunity to get to know many people from many cultures, making you insurmountably more accepting and tolerant of others. World peace begins with education, with every man on Earth understanding the values of his neighbor. Get to know the world, and give every man a chance at friendship.
6. You Inspire Others To Do The Same
Imagine the positive energy you feel when on vacation in a foreign land. Imagine your awareness when roaming around an unknown city. You are a living, breathing manufacturing plant producing a bottled product that we call “Inspiration.” Your journey, your words, your photos… they will inspire and empower others to follow their dreams and fulfill their ambitions. This nearly passive result from your adventures will leave you feeling fulfilled and accomplished… without doing an ounce of “work.”
7. You’ll Discover New & Fascinating Lifestyles
Reignite creativity and get a newfound sense of freedom by developing new habits, breaking free from old routines, and discovering tons of new lifestyles that you never knew existed. This will give you a new appreciation for the world and leave you with many new options for the life that you choose to lead upon your return.
8. You Develop New Skill-Sets
As mentioned in reason #2, traveling the world leads to all sorts of skill building. Negotiation, communication, navigation, problem solving, philanthropical giving, linguistics… the list goes on. Think of it this way… your $10,000 budget is your tuition, your application is accepted, and you are now a student at the University of Planet Earth.
9. Because Venice Is Sinking
The world’s a changing place. With changing climates, emigration, and modernization, the world as we’ve known it is soon becoming the world as we’ll know it. Sure, this has been the case for millions of years, but why not go out and visit all the historical places that people have talked about and will talk about for thousands of years? It’s important to not just read about history, but to be a part of it.
10. You Can Hit The Reset Button
Passionately dislike your job? In a transitionary period? Don’t have kids, a mortgage, or other responsibilities and want a fresh start? Traveling could be a fantastic way to hit the metaphorical reset button on life and build a new path for yourself.
11. Gain A 20,000 Foot Perspective
We lead our lives daily with a micro perspective on society and humanity. Traveling allows us the opportunity to see the world from a macro perspective, taking the time to understand and comprehend the “bigger picture.” Taking a million steps back and observing this beautiful mosaic can help us determine our greater purpose and identify our life’s mission. This macro perspective also helps us reevaluate the priority we place on day to day “problems” and helps us to better understand what’s truly “important” in life.
12. You Reinforce Your Belief In Others
Making yourself vulnerable to mother nature and the will of humanity, you open yourself to the world and to people. This makes you take a giant leap, trusting and relying on others for shelter, guidance, and many other forms of support. The more you open yourself to the good-will of others, the more you re-instill your faith in humanity.
13. You Develop Stories to Last A Lifetime (and more)
Do something unforgettable and you’ll never be forgotten. Whether you go down in history or are immortalized in your very own coffee table book, your stories will last a lifetime and more as you pass them down to future generations. Who doesn’t want to be the cool Uncle or the epic Grandma?
14. Your Belly Beckons
Awaken your inner Anthony Bourdain and open your taste buds to the treats of other cultures. Whatever your diet, the world will present a plethora of options to expand, enhance, and enrich your palette.
15. Your World Is There. Everywhere.
Many people worry that their life would be delayed or on pause while they travel and be nonexistent when they return. As with your career and your relationships… life goes on. Your world isn’t on hold. Your world isn’t going anywhere. Your travels will only expand your ability to make new lives for yourself, new lives everywhere you go and everywhere you are. Whether you are remembered by those you left behind or not, you will always be known by those you accompany during your travels. You will always have a life, so long as you’re alive, and it might be better than you’ve ever imagined.
I’m inspired. I want to follow!
Emily, I hope you have a fabulous time! I would venture to add a #16: You prove that you are enough! All you have is a few change of clothes and yourself. You watch yourself embrace the unknown and recreate a functional, satisfying reality where ever you are. I still long for the days I live in a tent in a trailer park in Western Australia just a 7 minute walk from one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. I biked into town every day to work as a case manager. Life was so simple and enjoyable and I made it happen 🙂 enjoy the road you too!
Will this all be in your future book? Even as I’m daunted by safety concerns for you, I am thrilled by your outlook and your dream and passionately wish for its every fulfillment.