We are the Wandernauts.
Wandernaut // noun // ˈwän-dər-nȯt // : A person engaged in the navigation of a vehicle for the purpose of exploring new cultures and environments (in relation to one’s traditional culture & environment). Navigation may include mental, physical, emotional, and/or intellectual departures from a person’s conventional state of being.
As we take off on a journey to explore the world, our mission is to wander off from the conventions of modern society – embarking on a fulfilling, cross-cultural adventure.
For the past year we’ve downsized our lives, saved every penny, and just recently left our gainful careers… all to pursue our truest passion of exploration.
We’ve created this website to inspire others… not to follow in our footsteps, but to learn from our experience and partake in their own fulfilling adventure.
This is our story. Hope you enjoy the ride.